The 2014 Programme of Study for English has raised expectations for teaching children to spell. Not only does it include an appendix of required words, but often the words are introduced a year earlier than in previous guidance. Teachers also often comment that spelling is the weakest element of children’s performance in the SPAG test. At the very least, schools will want to use the new curriculum to review their practice in the teaching of spelling to ensure that it meets the needs of children as well as the increased demands of the programmes of study.
This course has been designed to support this review of provision and practice. Using the programme of study as a constant point of reference, but reviewing practice more widely, the training will cover:
- The spelling background – what research tells us about spelling development
- Changing expectations – identifying the changes in the 2014 programmes of study, and the implications for teaching
- Ways to help children learn and remember spellings
- Spelling games and activities
- Ways of helping children who find spelling difficult
Designed for literacy subject leaders and experienced teachers, the course aims to build confidence and allow ideas to be shared, as well as preparing participants to support colleagues back in school.
This training is available as both an Intervention programme and school training.
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